Book of the Month
January 2009
Robert Burns

Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect
Edinburgh: 1787
Sp Coll RB 2521
This January sees the 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert
Burns - Scotland's national bard - and the beginning of
Homecoming Scotland 2009, a yearlong
programme of nationwide events staged in his honour. Therefore we
take a close look at a remarkable volume held by the University of
Glasgow Library: a rare first Edinburgh edition of Burns'
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect
embellished with manuscript notes and poems penned by the poet's own

Title page of first Edinburgh edition. Notice
the oval-shaped "offsetting" from the facing
According to a recent biographer "everyone knows about
Burns". He has long enjoyed enormous popularity: more than two
thousand editions of his poems and songs have been published
since his 1786 debut. His appeal is truly global and millions of
people throughout the world celebrate his life and work each
year. Burns' unique ability to tell
the truth about people "with a special kind of clarity and
integrity" (in David Daiches' words) speaks across boundaries and over time. |

Final stanza of "To a mouse" |
The first Edinburgh edition of Poems, chiefly in the
Scottish dialect might almost be considered a collected
works of Burns' poetry: virtually all of his most celebrated
verses are contained within. In addition to twenty-two new
poems all of the originals from the first edition remain,
including: To a
mouse, the poet's famous introspective verse on the
vicissitudes of animals and people and The Cotter's
Saturday night, a poem influenced by Fergusson's The farmer's ingle,
and Gray's Elegy. Poems printed
for the first time include Burns' now legendary
Address to a Haggis,
Death and Doctor Hornbook, a
satire on the Tarbolton schoolmaster, and
Address to Edinburgh, a paean to
the capital city written in Augustan English.
Our copy of Poems is
particularly significant since it has been annotated by Burns
himself. Throughout the text, wherever a person's name has been
asterisked out in printing - a common 18th-century practice -
Burns has re-inscribed the intended name in the margins. In
addition, he has added an extra manuscript verse to Tam Samson's Elegy
and three further poems:
On scaring some waterfowl in Loch Turit,
Written in the hermitage at Taymouth,
(later published as Verses written with
a pencil over the chimney-piece, in the parlour of the inn at
Kenmore, Taymouth) and Written at
the Fall of Fyers (later published as
Lines on the Fall of Fyers).

Detail from Beugo's frontispiece portrait of
Burns. The
poet is known to have distributed copies of
this image
to fans as he travelled the country, much as
-day celebrities hand out autographed photos |

Added manuscript verse to "Tam Samson's Elegy"
Close to three thousand copies of the 408-page Edinburgh
edition were printed. This is remarkable for a poetic work
and indicative of the popular and critical approval with which
it was received. Within the year an official London edition was
issued and pirate editions were printed in
Belfast and Dublin.
From farmer to household name in a matter of months, Burns was
thrust from obscurity into the celebrity limelight by his
instant success.

Detail from the fifth stanza of "The Holy
Fair" with Burns' manuscript addition

Detail from the twelfth stanza of "The Holy
Fair". The "Moodie" to
whom Burns refers is Rev. Alexander Moodie (1728-99),
the University of Glasgow educated minister of Riccarton |

The glossary of Scots terms included in the
first Edinburgh edition helped acquaint those unfamiliar with
the language to its peculiarities |
Burns was born on 25th January 1759 in Alloway, a
small rural community in Ayrshire. Early life for the poet, as for
most of his contemporaries, would have been hard. Upon reaching
his early teens Robert was accustomed to heavy manual labour on
the family plot at Mount Oliphant; by fifteen he was the
principal labourer - a boy doing a man's job.

Detail from the glossary |
Despite valuing his son's physical abilities on the farm,
William Burnes undoubtedly appreciated the importance of education.
According to Sprott, the Scottish lowland population at the time
of Burns' birth was perhaps the most literate in Europe. From an early age
Robert and his siblings were instructed in standard English,
first by their father, then later, by a dedicated
teacher employed for the task. In parallel with this formal
education Burns enjoyed listening to the traditional Scots
folk-tales, songs and poems recounted to him by his female
According to Daiches, Burns' bi-lingual and bi-cultural
upbringing is key to his development as a poet. Daiches states
that contemporary Scottish culture was influenced by two
antagonistic trends, both reactions to the 1707 political union
between Scotland and England. The first of these - suggested in
the works of poets like Allan Ramsey (1685-1728) and David Herd
(1732-1810) - promoted a vernacular identity by celebrating
traditional Scottish poetry and folk-ballads. In contrast was
a movement driven by David Hume (1711-1776) and other figures of
the Scottish Enlightenment. It eschewed the vernacular entirely;
instead it argued for a sanitized language free from "scotticisms".
A firm Scottish patriot, Hume believed that the mastery of
correct English would help improve the nation's standing by
demonstrating to the world that Scots could represent the Union
on the international stage as well as Englishmen. Burns' love
for the romantic folk-traditions of the past and his passion for
heroic Scottish figures like William Wallace were to prove the
strongest influence but his grounding in formal English
prose and poetry were instrumental to his later success. |

This song, based on a traditional ballad
dating back
to the 16th century, hints at how Burns was
influenced by the Scottish folk tradition |

First stanza of "Address to Edinburgh". This
poem illustrates how Burns was perfectly
capable of composing in the stiff,
formal, contemporary style. Many modern
commentators disapprove of the poem, describing
it as a "duty poem" -
uncomfortable and pompous |

Signed title page to Burns' own copy of
Smith's "Wealth of Nations"
(Sp Coll RB 2943). Burns had a great respect for Smith's work;
he is known to have commented "I could not have given
any mere man credit for half the intelligence Mr Smith
discovers in his book" |
Burns' earliest compositions were made when he was around fifteen.
Given his later reputation, it is perhaps unsurprising that he
attributes his muse for the "sin of rhyme" to a "bewitching"
girl with whom he had been partnered at harvest-time. The
following years saw Burns develop into a confident young man. When not working hard on the land he enjoyed the literature
of Sterne and Mackenzie and the Enlightenment ideas of Adam
Smith; he taught himself to read music and play the fiddle, and
he loved to socialise, drink and debate with friends. All the
while he continued to hone his improving poetic abilities.
Burns' first published work appeared in late July 1786:
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect
printed in Kilmarnock by John Wilson. The volume succeeded
instantly, selling out its run of six hundred copies
within a month. Emulating his poetic hero Robert Fergusson
(1750-1774), Burns had skilfully balanced his collection by
combining the nostalgic and antiquarian Scots tradition with the
best traits of English poetry. In Daiches' words "sometimes he
uses an English just tipped with Scots, sometimes the Scots
element is more pronounced, sometimes it is overwhelming." The
end result was a work that proved popular to people across the
social spectrum. Burns quickly became the toast of the Edinburgh
literati; in a review for The Lounger
the celebrated author Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831) described
him as a "heaven-taught ploughman". Mackenzie saw the poet as a
natural genius - a view that many historians believe was
deliberately cultivated by Burns through an understating of
his education in the preface to the Kilmarnock volume. |

Detail from the preface of Burns' 1786
Kilmarnock edition (Sp Coll 21)
in which, commentators argue, he deliberately downplays
his own education
In late 1786 Burns set out for Edinburgh to seek a new
publisher for a second edition of his poems. Through Masonic
connections (he became an active Freemason in June of 1781)
Burns quickly became acquainted with many important members of
Edinburgh society. Of particular significance was the Earl of Glencairn (1749-1791) who persuaded
the entire
Caledonian Hunt to subscribe to the forthcoming edition. Burns
was soon introduced to the publisher William Creech (1745-1815)
with whom he agreed terms for publication. Burns' bibliographer,
J. W. Egerer, describes Creech as "the best man in Edinburgh"
to publish the book such was his distinguished reputation.
History proves that the deal was particularly profitable for
Creech. Burns received 100 guineas for the copyright of his
poems in addition to all of the subscription money. But what perhaps
seemed a fair deal for the poet at the time, with hindsight, seems
meagre given his enduring success. |

The first page of the subscribers list.
Notice the names John Crighton and J. McRobert at the head of
page. While the scripting of Crighton's name
resembles Burns' handwriting, both names are
probably the autographs of early owners |

Detail from the subscribers list. In
addition to adding the name of an extra subscriber, Burns has scored
out the "Esq" after Robert Alexander's name - perhaps suggesting that it was printed in error.
Work by
Egerer has identified many of the original
subscribers. Burns' correction throws new light upon Egerer's
note on Alexander, which states that the only possible subscriber with
this name
was a watchmaker in
Leith, "but the title "Esquire"
precludes any possibilities of [it] being the same man" |

"On scaring some waterfowl in Loch Turit"
written into the end flyleaves of the volume. The poem,
conceived in October 1787, describes the sporting
outings Burns enjoyed while staying with the Murrays in Ochtertyre.
Click on the picture for a larger image. |
In the summer of 1787 Burns quit Edinburgh on the first of a
series of small tours around Scotland. Many different motives
have been suggested for these tours. James Mackay's assertion
that "the best analogy would be to liken [them] to the gigs of
today's pop groups who have to go on the road to maintain faith
with the fans who buy the records" would seem to hold some
merit. The three poems that Burns inscribed onto the flyleaves
of our copy of his volume were conceived during these tours.

Detail from "On scaring some waterfowl in Loch
Turit". Burns uses very
evocative language to describe his surroundings
A healthy critical debate has rumbled on in recent years
over how closely Burns' poetry can be linked with the Romantic
tradition soon to follow. Burns has been described as a
pre-Romantic because of his ability to foreshadow
Wordsworth's and Byron's evocative descriptions of sublime
nature. However, this categorisation of Burns is far too
simplistic. As Raymond J. S. Grant notes, "he was at base
essentially a Scottish bard and did not espouse a single
literary credo". Yet the three poems inscribed onto the
flyleaves of our volume might be considered the
strongest contenders amongst his works in support of this
pre-Romantic tag. These poems display an enthusiastic spirit,
Grant comments, in which Burns uses, "personification,
pathetic fallacy and key words such as "savage" and "horrid" to
paint his Gothic impression of the sublime". |

"Written in the hermitage at Taymouth".
First composed in August 1787, the
poem was published in the Edinburgh Evening Courant a few weeks later.
Click on the picture for a larger image.

Detail from "Written in the hermitage at Taymouth"

"Written at the Fall of Fyers". This poem was
composed in September 1787 when the poet and his companion,
William Nicol, travelled down the shores of Loch Ness.
Click on the picture for a larger image.

Detail from "Written at the Fall of Fyers".
Burns' use of conspicuously "Gothic" descriptions is
On the influence of the Gothic in contemporary literature Quennell
"one of the chief functions
of creative art is to constantly reinterpret nature. ... Mountains,
hitherto regarded as annoying
natural obstacles, [become] pregnant with " ideas of religion and poetry";
and gothic ruins
... voted deeply moving and sublime. "Horrid" became a poetic keyword;
fear, a favourite literary emotion." |
Quite why these poems were added to our volume is open to
conjecture. It is perhaps instructive to note that another
interesting copy, with a very
similar pattern of manuscript additions, survives: the "Geddes
Burns", now held by the Huntington Library, California. On
embarking on his tour through the Highlands, Burns is said to
have borrowed the first Edinburgh edition of a friend, Bishop
John Geddes.
Apparently, the poet promised to fill in the blank leaves of the
volume with any new poems conceived during the trip.
It was later returned to Geddes with an additional
twelve poems penned on the flyleaves and all of the asterisked
lacunae made-good. Of the twelve poems, three are the same as
those appearing in our volume. Interestingly the order and manner in
which the poems are inscribed in both copies bear close
comparison. Did Burns borrow another friend's volume with a similar
promise, one wonders?

The binding of our first Edinburgh edition |

Wilmerding's bookplate - from the front
pastedown of
the volume |
Unfortunately, it is not possible to trace our volume all
the way back to one of Burns' friends or acquaintances. It is
known to have been owned by the noted American bibliophile and collector Lucius Wilmerding (1880-1949). Wilmerding was a trustee of the
New York Historical Society and the New York Public Library, a
director of the Bank of New York and a president of the Grolier
Club. His vast library was auctioned off during 1950 and 1951;
our copy of Burns, lot 94, was sold for £350 to an unnamed
collector. The volume was acquired by the University of Glasgow
Library from a Los Angeles rare book dealer in late 1961. In
association with Homecoming Scotland 2009
the volume will be on display in the University Library's
Special Collections Department from the beginning of January
until the end of March, 2009. |
Other items of interest
Scotland 2009 will be running events throughout the year in all
parts of the country. For more details, please see the
official website
Burns, Robert (1786)
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect.
Kilmarnock: Printed by John Wilson. Level 12 Main Lib
Sp Coll 21
The Kilmarnock edition has been digitised
in full by the University of Glasgow's Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing
project. Several different electronic versions are available from their
Burns, Robert (1787)
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect.
Edinburgh: Printed for the author, and sold by W. Creech. Level 12 Main
Sp Coll RB 2792;
Sp Coll Hepburn 183;
Sp Coll BD20-c.15;
Sp Coll 915
(additional copies of the first Edinburgh edition held by Glasgow
University Library)
The following have been useful in compiling
this article:
Bibliophile Society (1908) The Geddes Burns.
Boston: Bibliophile Society. Level 12 Main Lib
Sp Coll RB 2522
Cook, Davidson (1925) Beugo's engravings of
Burns. Annual Burns Chronicle & Club Directory. No. 35. Kilmarnock:
Burns Federation. Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
Crawford, Robert (2005) Burns, Robert
(1759-1796). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. [online]
Oxford: OUP. [, accessed 4 Nov
Daiches, David (1971) Robert Burns and his
world. London: Thames and Hudson. Level 9 Main Lib
English MB733 DAI
Egerer, J. W. (1959-) Annotated list of
subscribers. Annual Burns Chronicle & Club Directory. 3rd ser. (8).
Kilmarnock: Burns Federation. Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
(ongoing from 1959 in consecutive numbers)
Egerer, J. W. (1964) A bibliography of
Robert Burns. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Level 9 Main Lib English Bibliog MB728 1964-E
Grant, R. J. S.
(2001) The pilgrim's progress: Robert Burns's tours in 18th century
Scotland. Burns Chronicle. Kilmarnock: Burns Federation.
Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
Kučik, P. (2000)
Postcards from the edge: The physical and psychological vacation tours of
Robert Burns in 1787. Burns Chronicle.
Kilmarnock: Burns Federation. Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
Leslie, F. (2002) Who really did receive the "Geddes
Burns?". Burns Chronicle.
Kilmarnock: Burns Federation. Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
Low, D. (1975) Critical essays on Robert
Burns. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Level 9 Main Lib
English MB731 CRI
Mackay, J. (1990) The complete works of
Robert Burns. 2nd ed. Ayr: Alloway publishing. Level 12 Main Lib
Sp Coll RQ 1444
Mackay, J. (1992) A biography of Robert
Burns. Edinburgh: Mainstream. Level 12 Main Lib
Sp Coll RQ 1441
Murdoch, J. (1895) The second edition of
Burns. Annual Burns Chronicle & Club Directory. No. 4. Kilmarnock:
Burns Federation. Level 9 Main Lib
Mod Lang Pers BU700
New York Historical Society (1949) Lucius
Wilmerding (1880-1949). Annual Report of the New-York Historical
Society. New York: New York Historical Society.
Parke-Bernet Galleries (1950-1951) The
notable library of the late Lucius Wilmerding: public auction sale.
New York: Park-Bernet Galleries.
Quennell, P. (1970) Romantic England:
writing and painting, 1717-1851. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Level
9 Main Lib
English E447 QUE
Sprott, G. (1996) Robert Burns: Pride and
passion. The life, times and legacy. Edinburgh: HMSO. Level 9
Main Lib
English MB731 SPR
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Robert MacLean, January 2009